Monday, September 12, 2022


Hello Most Magical Design Team!
  • This is where you will upload your project photos with permalinks one week before the start of the new challenge which post on the first Friday of every month. 
  • Most Magical Time of the Year Challenge posts publish at 8am pacific time.  
  • Please schedule your posts to publish any time after 8am pacific preferably on the same day as our new challenge but within 4 days of the new challenge starting.
  • Put the following info below then click publish when you’ve finished editing this post.
  1. Your name
  2. Your unpublished post permalink
  3. Name and link for the digi you used
  4. Project photo
NOTE ABOUT PERMALINKS - how to ensure they work!
Permalinks are direct links to your blog posts - they are helpful if one of our readers would like a closer look at your project as well as provide extra promotion for the Sponsor.  People generally don't like to be forced to search your blog for the project they wanted to see so please don't just give me the link to your home page!  
  1. Create a new post
  2. Give your post a title - permalinks are generated from your post titles
  3. DON'T change your title of your UNPUBLISHED post once you add your permalink here as changes break the old permalink
  4. See photo showing where to get your permalink

October Challenge starts on Friday Sept 30 just for our big launch month


using The Witch of Ferness Forrest